Mi Terra Yi Professional Development

1st to 10th of October 2022, Halkidiki, Greece

It came up to something that has exceeded even our most ambitious expectations!

We gathered, we interacted , we shared , we cared, we healed and revealed the power of healing.. Collective healing, healing landscapes and places..

The Nurturing Energy to which we dedicated our Training rised up through our collective coexistense, and showed us how powerful and effective it is..

We have trusted the process and the Process led us to beautiful places of understanding and awakening..

Now we are more than ready to continue and reveal to more dimentions what nurturing taught us..Into youthwork, into women’s empowerment, into inclusion for diversity and coexistence..

We had a wonderful opening to our village next door!

We celebrated too!

We closed this small circle and we are opening a bigger one, for more inclusion and support!

Nurturing ourselves, nurturing our societies and nurturing our planet.. Thank you Virgínia Santos for Dragon Dreaming!

Thank you Annelies Buggenhout for your great facilitation, thank you all for your great sharing, thank you #youineurope for joining, thank you #Eurodesk for the material, thank you #inedivim for the support and thank you #ErasmusPlus for existing!

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