Voyage 2021 Greece

What if young people from Poland, Portugal, France, Italy and Greece were gathered in one place, to discuss the issues of migration..

What if those people are coming from different backgrounds, some with fewer opportunities, some with more opportunities, migrants, and some of them asylum seekers..

How would the sharing of knowledge, of experience, but mostly of care, make them feel?

What would be the impact ?

What if this sharing was combined with artistic creation, such as drama playing, drawing, role playing..

What if the interaction was including partying and dancing and free expression and walks on the beach?

In Hives Project we had the luck to host such a unique Youth Exchange, with the co-funding of Erasmus +, and we are very grateful for all the process..

Special thanks to our committed partners, to our wonderful participants, to everybody who worked to make it happen, and a great thanks to Erasmus + Youth ,Inedivim for this opportunity..

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